2025 Vote Guides

Inequality and systemic racism

The investment community increasingly recognizes inequality as a systemic risk that harms the economy and capital markets. In North America, systemic racism is a foundational driver of inequality. In the 2025 proxy season, fiduciaries will cast votes for or against a range of shareholder proposals to mitigate the risks of inequality and systemic racism. Majority Action recommends that all investors support the following resolutions, and that asset owners engage their managers to also support them.


Climate change is a systemic and systematic risk that threatens the stability of the global financial system, jeopardizing asset values and investment returns across all asset classes. 2024 was once again the hottest year on record, and a fossil fuel-allied U.S. administration is now attempting to hamstring the transition to clean energy. In the 2025 shareholder season, it is more important than ever for investors to use their proxy voting power to mitigate climate risk, especially by casting votes against responsible directors at key climate-laggard companies.