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Equity In the Boardroom Webinar
How asset managers voted on systemic inequality in 2024 and what asset owners can do to hold them accountable
Majority Action is gearing up to publish the 5th annual edition of Equity in the Boardroom. Our forthcoming report analyzes how the Big Four asset managers voted on shareholder proposals related to inequality and systemic racism during the 2024 proxy season, takes a deeper dive into the voting performance of their sustainable funds, and looks at the divergence in proxy voting between the largest public pension funds and the two largest managers of U.S. defined benefit assets. Equity in the Boardroom 2024 examines proposals such as freedom of association, political spending and lobbying, racial and gender equity in the workplace, safe working conditions, and the future of work. In the current environment, it is more important than ever for investors to have access to accurate and incisive analysis so they can make informed decisions on how to best mitigate the risks posed by inequality and systemic racism.
This year, Majority Action is launching two new products to accompany Equity in the Boardroom 2024:
An interactive online resource that will provide inequality and systemic racism proxy voting data for a larger universe of asset managers.
An investor toolkit that outlines recommendations and provides tools for asset managers, asset owners, and proxy advisors to use to strengthen proxy voting/policies and in the case of asset owners, to assess their asset managers.
Please join us for a webinar on Thursday, March 27th at 12 p.m. EST with Majority Action’s Research Director and primary author of the report, Divya Sundar, to dive deeper into the report’s key findings and recommendations for asset managers and asset owners. If you have any questions about the webinar or would like to schedule a call with Majority Action’s Investor Engagement team to discuss the report, please contact investors@majorityact.org.