2025 Proxy Voting for Climate

The 2020s are a critical decade for climate action. Pathways to limit warming to 1.5°C and 2°C are technically within reach, but they involve immediate, rapid, and deep greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions in all sectors. While climate change and its mitigation implicate every sector of the economy, the subset of large companies where fossil fuel production and consumption are central to their core business has outsized climate impact.

When companies fail to transform operations and business models in line with the aims of the Paris Agreement, responsible shareholders must use their most powerful tool—proxy voting on corporate board elections—to hold directors accountable. To help investors exercise this power, Majority Action evaluates the climate disclosures of industry laggards in the energy, utilities, and financial services sectors against widely accepted benchmarks and issues company-specific vote guidance against directors and board leadership responsible for climate oversight at corporations that have failed in the critical areas of target setting, capital expenditure alignment, and policy engagement alignment.


Electric & Utilities

Coming soon…


Oil & Gas

Coming soon…



Company Medium-term oil & gas target setting:
Sector specific oil & gas emissions target in terms of absolute emissions
Fossil fuel exclusion policies:
Unconventional fossil fuels (Arctic oil & gas, coal mining, coal power)
Recommended Action
Bank of America Partial (emissions intensity only) No exclusions Vote against director(s):
  • No oil & gas exclusion policies
Wells Fargo No medium-term targets Partial (project restrictions, partial corporate) Vote against director(s):
  • No medium-term oil & gas emissions targets
Goldman Sachs Partial (emissions intensity only) Partial (project restrictions) Engagement:
  • Medium-term oil & gas target setting lacks absolute emissions
  • Fossil fuel exclusion policies lack corporate restrictions
JPMorgan Chase Partial (emissions intensity only) Partial (project restrictions, partial corporate) Engagement:
  • Medium-term oil & gas target setting lacks absolute emissions
Morgan Stanley Partial (emissions intensity only) Partial (project restrictions, partial corporate) Engagement:
  • Medium-term oil & gas target setting lacks absolute emissions
Citi Yes (absolute targets) Partial (project restrictions, partial corporate) No recommended action


Coming soon…